
Free licensed board game to turn private and public resources into commons

Commonspoly was designed in 2015 by a collective of designers and game enthusiasts (ZEMOS98). The main goal of this free licensed board game is to prevent privatisation and liberate as many goods as possible. Thus, the mechanics are inspired in commons-based objectives instead of capitalist ones. The speculators of the game have the committed to privatising every resource available in society such as urban, health or environmental goods. Players must cooperate with each other to turn private resources into public ones, and then into commons ones.

Have a look at our game experience in the 1st common play with us!

Photos from the Commonspoly official website

When to play

If you are in for a serious overhaul of public and private property, play Commonspoly. The elaborate mechanics really do away with the logic of capitalism as displayed in Monopoly. However, the game will not customise to your settings; it is, in that sense, a rigid commentary on Monopoly, and an interesting way of thinking about common property.

Commons-related features

  • Broadcast a messageThe game disseminates a message linked to the commons (for example, the importance of participatory design of the city).
  • Promote cooperationThe game makes participants collaborate between them others and stimulate the concept of cooperation beyond the game’s duration.

Best contexts to play

  • Informed social debateThe game can be used to inform non-expert people about the commons and spark off a constructive debate on the topic.
  • Community participation activityThe game can be a tool to involve people in communitarian and participation activities.
  • Knowledge institution workshop or classThe game can be played in a university class or during a summer course to delve into different aspects of the commons. 


  • ComplexThe game is composed of many parts and this makes it complicated, difficult or involved.
  • ProvokingThe game incites a reaction from you in relation to the topic of the game (e.g. anger, concern or disappointment).
  • Interactive/communalThe game incites a continuous exchange of information, ideas or experiences between the players. The game play is really ‘done together’. 

How to obtain

The board game can be downloaded for free or it can be phisically bought

Check the website of the game