Photo: Wikipedia under CC by 2.0 license

Dixit (customisation)

Storytelling card game to match draws with sentences

Dixit (2008) is a card game designed by Jean-Louis Roubira in which imagination and association are central. Each round, a player comes up with a sentence or phrase that matches with one of the six cards in her or his hand. The other players have to select one of the cards of their hands that could also match with the sentence of the storyteller. Many creative ideas emerge during this process! The storyteller shuffles her card with all the received cards. All pictures are shown face up and every player has to bet upon which picture was the storyteller’s.

CUSTOMISATION – Can we hack some dynamics of this popular game to make it work for different purposes? DixIt Yourself is an inspiring case of how popular games can be re-designed. In this case, the creative atmosphere that Dixit cards provide is used to promote intercultural learning through storytelling.

Photo: Dixit official website

When to play

Sometimes is difficult to express feelings or opinions regarding a project in an ordinary meeting. Play Dixit (or use the game’s cards) when you want to know other participants’ points of view in a safe and positive environment. Dixit cards provide versatile, surprising means to share thoughts that are not easy to verbalise. For example, to evaluate a project.

Commons-related features

  • Exchange views and informationThe game allows players to exchange ideas, information and world views while playing the game. 
  • TrainingThe game helps to confer some skill to the players (for example, guide them to build urban gardens).

Best contexts to play

  • Community participation activityThe game can be a tool to involve people in communitarian and participation activities.
  • Internal team discussionThe game can be used during an internal working meeting to further a team’s thoughts about a project related to different aspects of the commons.
  • Multi-stakeholder co-creation sessionThe game can be played to promote a debate with a wide range of actors (a.o. residents, designers or architects).


  • FunThe game provides entertainment, amusement or enjoyment.
  • ImmersiveThe game causes a deep mental involvement, a complete immersion of the mind.
  • Interactive/communalThe game incites a continuous exchange of information, ideas or experiences between the players. The game play is really ‘done together’. 

How to obtain

Dixit is not a free-licensed game so if you are interested in it you will have to buy it. Alternatively, you can attend gaming events.

Check the website of the game