Le Grand Jeu

Future-thinking game to create and simulate ideas for our future society – whether large or small

Le Grand Jeu was developed in 2015 by an expert group of artists, engineers, designers and activists leaded by Federico Bonelli. It helps players shape ideas for the future of their community, or of society at large. It can assess and narrate new scenarios for public spaces, create alternative financial logics, sustainability models or circular economy strategies. It engages players in an imaginary world and promotes multi-stakeholder modes of city co-creation through mouldable game elements and a common language.

Have a look at our game experience in the 5th common play with us!

Photo: https://www.dyne.org/le-grand-jeu/

When to play

If you want an open-ended tool to help your group imagine new interventions for the betterment of society, play Le Grand Jeu. It works best when focusing on a concrete community, such as an ecovillage or the city of Milan, and the group shares a basic notion of direction (such as ‘working towards circular economy’).

Commons-related features

  • Introduction to key conceptsThe game defines basic elements to understand some aspects of the commons (for example, the meaning of private, public and communal).
  • Reach a consensusThe game helps participants to arrive at a decision each player can agree with.
  • Promote cooperationThe game makes participants collaborate between them others and stimulate the concept of cooperation beyond the game’s duration.

Best contexts to play

  • Community participation activityThe game can be a tool to involve people in communitarian and participation activities.
  • Multi-stakeholder co-creation sessionThe game can be played to promote a debate with a wide range of actors (a.o. residents, designers or architects).
  • Decision-making activityThe game can guide participant decision-making in a variety of contexts, for example by facilitating a voting or consent process.


  • ExplorativeThe game lets you experience alternative worlds.
  • Interactive/communalThe game incites a continuous exchange of information, ideas or experiences between the players. The game play is really ‘done together’. 
  • ProvokingThe game incites a reaction from you in relation to the topic of the game (e.g. anger, concern or disappointment). 

How to obtain

Le Grand Jeu can be adopted and played freely for non-profit use.

Check the website of the game